Dr Rob Burchett
Founder & CTO
Meet Rob Burchett, the visionary founder of Power Analytics Software, whose passion for innovation, stellar customer service, and market expertise helped him become a software development leader in the electric power industry.
After 10 years in the famed Building 2 on General Electric’s Schenectady campus, Rob founded Power Analytics Software and as an individual contributed to the success of numerous companies, including Siemens PTI and Public Service Enterprise Group. His innovative creations such as PS Optimal Power Flow, generation asset management tools, and the security-constrained economic dispatch optimization engine in PROMOD have had a profound impact on the industry. Rob’s ground-breaking work in forecasting nodal Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) ultimately led to significant changes in financial instruments and transparency in the PJM market.
Rob’s commitment to rapid response and tailored software solutions has resulted in a loyal customer base that benefits from cutting-edge technology and exceptional support. With the support of his son Steve, who manages the day-to-day operations, Rob can devote his time to what he loves most: software development and outstanding customer service.
As a mentor, business partner, and leader in the energy software industry, Rob Burchett is dedicated to empowering customers with innovative solutions and fostering a customer-focused culture at Power Analytics Software. With Rob, you can trust that your analytical modeling needs will be met with unparalleled expertise and commitment to your success.