We’re releasing a new version of PAT Trader today and there are some HUGE changes.  
1. The Congestion Tool was completely overhauled. 
2. Automatic Hourly Topology:  When you click on an hour in the FTR Tool or the Congestion Tool, we form the network model for that hour, recalculate Shift Factors & LODFs, and display the hour-specific topology results… it only takes a second or two! 
3. The FTR Tool works in MISO, SPP, and PJM.
4. The FTR Tool has a new PATH Tool that will help you find your competitions’ most lucrative paths for constraints you want to play in the next auction. 

Also, we’ve upgraded our release software, so you don’t have to uninstall previous versions before you install the latest.  Told you we’d get that done.  

Here is a video showing the new Congestion Tool.  Now its a one-stop-shop for investigating Curtailment & LMP.  Pick a unit and see hourly LMP.  Pick an hour and see which binding constraints were driving LMP.  Pick a constraint and see which outages were causing the constraint to bind.  This is a huge leap forward for the program… really ties everything together in one spot. I hope you’ll find it useful!

ps. Check out our new PAT Trader Demo Video on the Products Page. 
