Today we are releasing PAT 2.12.0 and APC Reporter 1.12.0 with a lot of small, boring changes.  

PAT 2.12.0

  • Zip Capability.  Hold on to your hat…  this is the big one!  Now there is a way to quickly share PAT data.  Check it out on the Help File’s new page: Miscellaneous: Zip PAT Data Files. (Thanks Neil!)
  • There are 7 changes suggested by Kevin.
    • Read a RAW File directly from the File Menu.
    • Append newly created events to existing ones in an import template.
    • Add a comment to event names in the output tab.
    • Uncheck all events on the Event Diagnostics Tab.  Useful for making EVE files for just a handful of new events. 
    • And 3 bug fixes.  If you didn’t find them, we aren’t going to tell you about them. 
    • Keep it coming Kevin!  Employee of the month!
  • There are 2 changes due to PAT users really pushing the limits:
    • The PAT can read outages files with 8(!) forced outage draws!  (Thanks KD!)
    • The PAT can read 6-year PROMOD runs!  (Thanks Brant!)
      • Yeah… you read that right.  A 6-year PROMOD run.  
  • Finally many thanks to Sunil and his team for helping us beat up the Bus Injection Tool on the Contingency Evaluator.  That thing is running like a top now.  

APC 1.12.0

  • Actually this is a pretty good upgrade here. 
  • First, many thanks to Intern Andrei for polishing up the general look and appearance.  The graphs have labels!  Bar graphs labels are centered!  It’s almost like we have a professional program now! Look for similar changes coming to our other programs coming soon!
  • 2 brand new tabs!  Thanks the very handsome and capable Jason for helping us add:
    • Renewable Unit Summary Tab
      • The big time saver in the program, in a new package.  Here is where you can do basis calculations and do days of work in minutes.  So much time saved that Jason didn’t want to tell his boss about it! 
    • Thermal Unit Summary Tab
      • This is your one-stop-shop for thermal units showing how they performed in the run.  We tried to copy as much as we could from the renewable tab, but it doesn’t have the same magic without basis calculation. 
  • Aside from this, Jason found no fewer than 7 bugs.  Mostly new and exciting ways of crashing the program.  Nothing to see here folks. 

You guys were probably expecting another slick video weren’t you?.. Well, too bad. I’m stuck in Virginia for 2 weeks, and putting together a video with all these screaming children running around is just not going to happen.
